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Mantener la imagen saludable de las personas es el objetivo primordial de Chelo y Virginia, madre e hija que acaban de estrenar nueva instalación, con mayor comodidad y medios actuales, de lo más avanzado en el sector. Dos expertas profesionales, esteticistas de larga experiencia y con preparación técnica precisa, se empeñan diariamente en tratamientos para el embellecimiento, conservación e higiene de la piel, siempre con productos de línea profesional. Piel, ojos , rostro uñas, cabello.. están cada día en estrecha relación con estas dos valoradas profesionales de Daimiel.

Los genes maternos influyeron en la decisión de Virginia, que, instada por la propia familia a realizar estudios por otros derroteros, la querencia hacia la profesión de Chelo, su madre, tuvo más fuerza que cualquier otra alternativa. Son ya siete años de oficio estudiado y bien aprendido bajo los auspicios y tutela de quien tras treinta y seis años de oficio transmite enseñanza magistral. Chelo ha recorrido la profesión desde los inicios en domicilio particular hasta, tras varias etapas sin prisa, pero sin pausa, instalarse en su actual y moderna sala de belleza, peluquería y estética.

Estas dos profesionales, de momento, dirigen y mantienen el centro Chelo y Virginia, Salón de Belleza, en calle Dehesa 28, atendiendo a variado tipo de personas, clientes habituales y de renovada captación, jóvenes, mayores, de mediana edad, sin distinción de sexo, hombres y mujeres se confían en el buen gusto y mejor criterio de Chelo y Virginia.

Tratamientos de color, desde el master obtenido por Virginia, rizos inteligentes, mechas, balayages, babylights, corte para caballero de todo estilo, peinados para eventos de cualquier tipo (novias, madrinas, etc.), tratamientos para cuello cabelludo y reconstructores, líneas naturales en el tratamiento del color, decoloraciones naturales de carbón y bambú, alisado brasileño de proteína, mechas…, son servicios habituales dispensados por nuestras dos protagonistas.

Masters anuales y cursos permanentes de actualización, son realizados con frecuencia por parte de madre e hija, ávidas e inquietas por cada avance de su profesión, gremio muy exigente en cada momento para satisfacer las tendencias estéticas de cada época, la moda impone estilos y tanto Chelo como Virginia se amoldan a actualizar con rapidez y solvencia profesional claramente demostradas.

Manicura semipermanente, pedicura, reconstrucción de uñas (manos y pies), presoterapia, extensiones de pestañas, lifting de pestañas, tratamientos faciales y corporales, laser corporal de última generación, cera, maquillaje…, con diagnósticos personalizados para cualquier tratamiento de salón (capilar, facial o corporal), son trabajos estéticos realizados a diario por estas dos solventes y cualificadas profesionales, que disponen además de la línea natural de color con el premio del mejor producto de 2019.

Colaboran también  Chelo y Virginia con la firma Dichosa, de la creativa daimieleña Eva Royo, ofertando en el salón todo tipo de complementos de esta marca. Chelo y Virginia, Salón de Belleza, juventud y experiencia de un tándem familiar intimo, madre e hija, al servicio de la estética y belleza en Daimiel.



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  6. Great Canadian Gaming is based out of British Columbia and owns several casinos, hotels and racetracks across Canada and Washington State. Flamboro Speedway This article about a sports venue in Canada is a stub. You can help Wikipedia by expanding it. Error: Unable to load the content. Please try again. Looking for a rewarding career that lets you make a difference for Ontario? Aside from the bars and clubs, Hamilton is home to OLG’s Flamboro Downs. If you are looking for variety it is definitely the place for you! Just atop the Niagara Escarpment, the Arabian Nights inspired ambience sets the mood for a night to remember. With over 800+ slot machines to choose from and an ever-expanding selection of electronic table games, there’s never a dull moment.
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  7. Tomorrow’s Football Tips: Best Early betting predictions for 30 05 2023 As the name suggests, there are 13 soccer fixtures to pick the results from on Soccer 13. These fixtures can come from any league, although you will often see games from the South African Premier Soccer League (or PSL) and English Premier League when they are available. As well as these, games from the more popular European competitions such as Italy’s Serie A, Spain’s La Liga and the German Bundesliga are also common fixtures. Updated May 29, 2023, at 10:24 PM Football Whispers » Football Whispers Tips » Man City vs Chelsea Prediction, Odds & Betting Tips 21 05 2023 Bet Builder Tips Today: Predictions to use at Bet365 and more VIEW PREDICTION Our Twitter account not only offers live updates on the latest German football tips, but other sports betting tips too. For all this plus a healthy dose of sporting news and humour, follow us at @FootySuperTips.
    The «Roses Rivalry» with Leeds stems from the Wars of the Roses, fought between the House of Lancaster and the House of York, with Manchester United representing Lancashire and Leeds representing Yorkshire. 01 04 2023 15:00 Newcastle United v Manchester United They were stunned 2-1 at home by Brighton as Pascal Gross scored twice in a crushing first half. You can find out more about buying tickets for Manchester United games on the official club website. L’Equipe also noted that Casemiro is “trying to convince” Neymar to join him at Manchester United. Casemiro and Neymar had countless duels during their respective runs at Real Madrid and Barcelona, and they have been teammates with the Brazil national team for over a decade now. Manchester United is one of the biggest and most popular organizations in the English Premier League and the world. Their home is Old Trafford, also known as «The theatre of dreams», a stadium built in 1909, located in the city of Manchester. The structure has a capacity of 74,310, making it one of the biggest in the United Kingdom.

  8. We also divided all casinos into a few categories, ranking mobile casinos, casinos with the best slot games, etc. Feel free to choose any top online casino from our list and gamble responsibly! You will see some payment methods at almost every UK online casino, while there are other more unique ones you’ll only see occasionally, if at all. Below is a list of the more common options at the best online casino sites in the UK: Casinos have also been around for several decades and are dotted around the country, so it was no surprise when online gambling started to become popular at the turn of the 21st century. The rising number of sports betting sites and UK online casinos since then has led to some very competitive promotions designed to hook the interest of online gamblers – one of them being the no deposit bonus.
    If you’re in the market for the best online casinos, feel free to choose any of the ones we have highlighted in this comprehensive online casino review. Some of the notable gambling sites that we didn’t feature in this online casino site review include Leo Vegas Casino, and Red Dog Casino, Ignition Casino, Mansion Casino and Cafe Casino. To be able to operate in the UK, an online casino needs to carry a license from the UK Gambling Commission (UKGC). Sites that do not carry this license are not to be trusted. A licensed casino will carry the UKGC symbol on their site. If you’re still not sure, the UKGC website has a list of all licensed online casino sites in the UK. If you ever want to transition from live casino games to other types of casino games, our live casino sites in the UK have got you covered. From hundreds of slots to a good variety of online roulette, blackjack, video poker and — in some cases — sports betting, there’s something here for everyone.

  9. Best fast withdrawal casino sites are hard to search because there is a huge variety available across the internet. In this guide, we have covered multiple topics. While discussing the fast withdrawal casino sites, we have shared the complete procedure of making a withdrawal. Moreover, we have shared a complete list of casinos that offers quick payouts. You can email the site owner to let them know you were blocked. Please include what you were doing when this page came up and the Cloudflare Ray ID found at the bottom of this page. Copyright © 2023 – AllGemCasinos PokerStars is home to the best online poker events. Every year we run the best online tournament series in the world. We also host the best weekly tournaments, plus many more every day of the week. With a game starting every second, PokerStars is the only place to play tournament poker online.
    Casinos that accept pay by mobile have increased in numbers recently. This payment option provides users with a fast and convenient way to make deposits using their mobile phone. In simple terms, users can make payments through phone credit or adding the cost to their monthly phone bill. It’s not a banking method that will suit those with larger bankrolls, but it does provide players with a suitable option to help split costs and pay with some level of control in place. The time-saving payment method is getting more and more popular because of the preference for players to play casino on mobile, not to mention the security pay by mobile casino payments offer. Funding your casino account is quite easy with your mobile phone bill, what you need to do is register at one of the selected casinos that offer the payment options through your phone bill. Once registered with a real player account you can go to the deposit or cashier pages and select an option to pay by phone bill such as Payforit, select the amount you want to deposit into your player account and then click to continue. You will then be redirected to a page where you must enter your mobile phone details.

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