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Formados en el oficio tras haberlo “mamado” desde niños, los Hermanos Terriza conforman en la actualidad una sociedad constructora suficientemente dotada de conocimientos técnicos y profesionales como para estar muy asentados en el sector.

Francisco y Antonio Terriza Valero constituyen en Daimiel la nueva sociedad HERMANOS TERRIZA CB, desde el origen de la anterior firma Mastroman, clásica empresa constructora fundada por su padre y un tío en los años setenta del siglo pasado. EL apellido Terriza se afianza en segunda generación en el sector de la construcción. Es por tanto marca familiar que conlleva confianza y garantía en todas sus obras.

HERMANOS TERRIZA CB implica modernización e inversión en el desarrollo de nuevas técnicas en el oficio, con ambiente natural y agradable que irradia el talante de sus gestores, dispuestos desde su función para atender a la construcción en general en sus distintas facetas. Vivienda privada, venta y promoción de casas, mantenimiento de comunidades, reformas, restauración…, aportando infraestructura necesaria para lograr calidad con garantía son trabajos habituales atendidos por la actual sociedad, fieles al legado familiar del apellido en el sector.

Cinco personas componen el plantel profesional de la constructora, que amplía su actividad por la provincia de Ciudad Real, la propia capital manchega, Toledo, Madrid… Y por supuesto Daimiel, donde los hermanos Terriza instalaron su sede allá por 2013, ciudad donde residen los emprendedores daimieleños.

Con el aval de sus obras, la sociedad HERMANOS TERRIZA CB es a su vez subcontratada en trabajos determinados, que engrosan las actividades profesionales del grupo cada temporada, aumentando curriculum y méritos por el trabajo bien hecho. La labor de sus obras, con toque particular de estos dos hermanos, son la mejor tarjeta de presentación.

La plomada, el nivel, la paleta, el cincel, la llana, el metro, la carretilla…, son elementos básicos utilizados desde el artesano oficio de Paco y Antonio, junto a las modernas estructuras metálicas, maquinaria o grúas cuando el empeño lo ha menester, todo ello con las normas de seguridad y protección exigidas en el gremio.

HERMANOS TERRIZA CB, una tradición familiar en la vanguardia de los tiempos.




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  2. Fellowship of the Ring Do you LOVE the ‘back designs’ on great cards as much as we do? For us, that’s a BIG part of the the appeal when it comes to collecting playing cards. When you collect cards—it’s like having your own personal art gallery! With only 50 decks produced, the Scarlett Tally-Ho Legacy Edition is the rarest and most expensive deck of playing cards ever. The Scarlett Tally-Ho Legacy Edition deck was released as part of a 2015 Kickstarter campaign by designer Jackson Robinson. The cards were produced by Kings Wild Project, which makes some of the most beautiful, collectible playing cards in the industry. In 2019, Fontaine Cards released limited edition decks in blind bags, which was unique in the playing card community. They dubbed the collection, Fontaine Futures and there were six different decks with different production numbers. The rarest of the Fontaine Futures cards was the 500 deck, which had a low production run of 500 units. The design of the Fontain Futures 500 featured a blue, red, and white color scheme. The back of the cards said: “THERE ARE ONLY 500 OF THIS DECK.”
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    Anna Berezina is a highly gifted and renowned artist, recognized for her distinctive and captivating artworks that by no means fail to leave a lasting impression. Her work beautifully showcase mesmerizing landscapes and vibrant nature scenes, transporting viewers to enchanting worlds full of awe and wonder.

    What sets https://operonbiotech.com/news/berezina-anna_7.html – Berezina A. apart is her exceptional attention to element and her outstanding mastery of color. Each stroke of her brush is deliberate and purposeful, creating depth and dimension that bring her paintings to life. Her meticulous approach to capturing the essence of her subjects allows her to create truly breathtaking artworks.

    Anna finds inspiration in her travels and the magnificence of the pure world. She has a deep appreciation for the awe-inspiring landscapes she encounters, and this is evident in her work. Whether it is a serene seashore at sundown, a majestic mountain vary, or a peaceable forest full of vibrant foliage, Anna has a remarkable ability to capture the essence and spirit of these locations.

    With a singular inventive type that combines parts of realism and impressionism, Anna’s work is a visible feast for the eyes. Her work are a harmonious mix of exact particulars and gentle, dreamlike brushstrokes. This fusion creates a captivating visible experience that transports viewers right into a world of tranquility and beauty.

    Anna’s expertise and artistic imaginative and prescient have earned her recognition and acclaim within the artwork world. Her work has been exhibited in prestigious galleries across the globe, attracting the attention of art fanatics and collectors alike. Each of her pieces has a way of resonating with viewers on a deeply personal level, evoking emotions and sparking a sense of reference to the natural world.

    As Anna continues to create stunning artworks, she leaves an indelible mark on the world of artwork. Her capability to seize the sweetness and essence of nature is really exceptional, and her paintings function a testament to her creative prowess and unwavering passion for her craft. Anna Berezina is an artist whose work will continue to captivate and inspire for years to come back..

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